Weavin’ Wicker Woman Blog Changes

Old blogger.com headerAfter six years of blogging on the free Blogger.com platform, I am pulling the plug there next week and will only be blogging from my own domain website, WickerWoman.com

I’m keeping the name, Weavin’ Wicker Woman, as you’ll see on the new header. And just so you can find me again, the new URL is https://dev.wickerwoman.com/blog

Weavin' Wicker Woman Blog Header

What this means is that all you Networked Blogs followers and the Google Friends followers will most likely have to subscribe again, just to make sure you don’t miss any new blog posts. The widgets for both are on the right sidebar of my new blog.

Thanks to the immense efforts of website designer and webmaster Christine Knowlton from New York, we’ve transferred all the old blog posts and have them listed in the Archives on the right sidebar. So you can look through ALL those past years, any time you want.

Although Blogger.com has a lot of really great features, it was cumbersome for me to make the updates, jumping back and forth from my website to the blog all the time. I will miss the fellowship of that tight Blogger.com community, but will keep in touch and follow all your blogs myself, just as before. Hopefully, you will do the same with mine.

And then too, there were some blog followers that never knew I have had a domain website since 1999! They thought I only had the blog thing going, go figure!

Will keep the same topics of chair caning, wicker repair, basketry, rustic twig furniture and related fiber arts and will also be “branching” out into even more wacky, weavin’ wonders! Happy Blogging ya’ll… Until next time!

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