Updates to WickerWoman.com

There have been so many updates made to the website that I hardly know where to begin and have not been very good about telling ya’ll about them, sorry!

I’ll start with the new blog header so you can catch up on all the great chair caning, wicker, and basket making posts that have been made this year and over the past seven years, too!

As you might already know, at the first of this year I discontinued the old blog on Blogger.com at https://wickerwoman/blogspot.com and moved it over here to my own website domain on WickerWoman.com as a WordPress blog.

Weavin Wicker Woman Blog Header
Old Blog Header for Weavin' Wicker Woman

I kept the same name  “Weavin’ Wicker Woman” for my chair caning blog and basketweaving blog as before,  to avoid any confusion and keep my followers.

Also managed to transfer over all the posts, going back seven years to the very first post made on July 17, 2004!!! How’s that for cool? Find them at the bottom of the right hand sidebar under “Archives,” listed by dates.

2011-Weavin Wicker Woman blog-header
2011--New Weavin' Wicker Woman Blog Header Graphic

The “Weavin’ Wicker Woman Blog” can be found at this URL https://dev.wickerwoman.com/blog or you can click on the navigation bar to the left on most pages of the website, or find it at the top navigation menu on other pages.

We’ve kept the same great social network icon buttons of Google Friend Connect and NetWorkedBlogs and have both RSS Feed or Email Subscription so you can sign up and follow the blog, and not  miss a single post!

But we’ve also added ways to connect to The Wicker Woman (that’s me), through some other popular social networks like  Facebook Fan Page, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube channel! Find all the icon buttons on the right sidebar on the blog for easy reference.

Well, that’s all for today’s post on the “What’s New” site update blog on WickerWoman.com! Enjoy and Happy Weaving!

Hope to hear from you soon either in the comments here below or on the Weavin’ Wicker Woman blog itself at https://dev.wickerwoman.com/blog

Cathryn Peters signature

About The Author

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