Homelife Category


What do carrots, eggs or coffee have to do with this blog post you ask? Well, I’ve subscribed to a wonderful newsletter by ThrivingBusiness.com, that I really enjoy reading each morning. And in today’s issue,

Carrots, Eggs or Coffee? Which are you? Read More »

daily to do list

I don’t know about you, but it’s getting more difficult every day for me to get things done the older I get. I finally resorted to making up a Daily To Do List and most

Daily To Do List Read More »

sunrise mn 3-1-13

  Is it Spring yet where you live? Here we are in the first week of March and evidentially it’s “coming in like a lion” if today’s temperature is any indication of what’s to come

Is it spring yet where you live? Read More »

Oh, boy, has it ever been a long time between posts! But I just haven’t had it in me lately since my hubby died. When something this life-altering takes place it knocks the wind out

Reflections on Life Stages Read More »

Maggie Peters Rouleau 2-2013

Maggie Peters Rouleau our youngest child is celebrating her 34th birthday today, so please wish her a Happy B-Day everyone! At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the temperature on my baby girl’s

Baby Girl’s Birthday Today! Read More »

Well, this being the last day of January 2013, I thought I’d better give you all an update on things up here at “North Camp.” That was what my late hubby affectionally called our place

Last day of January 2013 Read More »

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