Rhonda Wilson–Yucca, Beargrass & Devil’s Claw The Tohono O’odham Community Action (TOCA) is holding an eBay auction called “Bridging the Gap” to support the 10th Annual CELEBRATION OF BASKETRY AND NATIVE FOODS FESTIVAL at the […]

Indigenous Basket Weavers eBay Auction Read More »

There’s not a whole lot I can do from up here in Minnesota to help the victims of hurricane Katrina, except to donate money and pray for a speedy recovery. Disaster Relief Resources: Network for

Help the Hurricane Victims! Read More »

It seems like we have a resident skunk either under our mobile home or extremely close by. I let Molly (our chocolate Lab), out this morning to do her business and when she came back,

Another Skunk Spray! Read More »

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