I just posted to my Twitter account, that I had missed a good night’s sleep night before last, so took some Melatonin last night and slept like a babe. Here’s proof in an article in […]

Sleep Matters! Read More »

I’ve been really, really busy here on WickerWoman.com these last few weeks in particular. Trying to make it more accessible and easier to navigate for you the viewer/customer and for myself, of course! Biggest change

Exciting New Changes on WickerWoman.com Read More »

Here’s another good basketweaving tutorial, this time it’s by Jon’s Bushcraft.com on weaving with willow rods (or brambles in this case). Willow rods can be woven in the exact same manner as the brambles and

Free Basketweaving with Willow Tutorial Read More »

Have you ever wondered how to create those beautiful arrow pattern weaves using flat reed that you see on so many cute baskets? Can’t figure it out for yourself and don’t have a pattern to

Free Wall Basket Pattern Read More »

Here’s the latest antler basket videos available on myYouTube Channel. And check out all the others on the right sidebar here on the YouTube small screen! [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CY84fN9siM&hl=en_US&fs=1&]

YouTube Antler Basket Sculptures-#3 Read More »

Thirty five years ago today on February 13, 1975 our son Hans William was born! Although Dad and I can’t be with you and your family to help you celebrate today, our love, thoughts and

Happy Birthday, Son! Read More »

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