Just recently I discovered a very interesting and informative blog MinnesotaBrown, that deals mostly with events taking place on and the people living in northern Minnesota on the Iron Range area. Blogger Aaron Brown is

Friday Feature–MinnesotaBrown Blog Read More »

The Minnesota State Arts Board and the state’s eleven regional arts councils are trying to do something that has never been done before. Through the MN Arts Count https://www.mnartscount.com/ we are trying to count every

Have you been counted yet? MN Arts Count Read More »

Open Water Exhibit 5-2011

Open Water Exhibition A visual art celebration of spring recreation and fishing opener in the northland on the Iron Range area of Minnesota. May 12—June 11, 2011 The First Stage Gallery, 514 Chestnut St., Virginia,

Open Water Exhibition–Virginia, MN Read More »

The Wicker Woman-Cathryn Peters

Without a doubt last month was just about the busiest April I’ve ever experienced and that’s one of the reasons I made few posts here on the blog. May is starting out with a bang

Head Spinning Busy Read More »

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