black ash elbow basket necklace

  WEDNESDAY WICKER WISDOM This Friday, April 20th I will be teaching another basket class held at the Northwoods Friends of the Arts Gallery in Cook, MN. We will be weaving the Black Ash Elbow

Black Ash Necklace Basket Class Read More »

  WEDNESDAY WICKER WISDOM–Wonderful Wicker by Bonnie Gale Wow! Try reading and saying that title quickly three times in a row, bet ‘cha can’t do it! Bonnie Gale is a willow basketmaker, instructor and grower

Wonderful Willow-Wednesday Wicker Wisdom Read More »


TUESDAY BASKET WEAVING TIPS– In an effort to make more posts about basketmaking here on my blog, I went looking around on YouTube to see what I could find that was interesting and new to

How-to Make a Birch Bark Basket Read More »


  Now I deliberately waited a week to make this post, because I didn’t want anyone to think it was an April Fool’s Joke, since what happened occurred on Sunday, April 1, 2012. Around 3

Unusual Cloud Formation Up North Read More »


  I am amazed at the beautiful sunrises we have up here in northern Minnesota, especially in the winter and early spring. So when I saw this series of the rising sun in March, I

Happy Easter Everyone! Read More »

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