cane webbing chair seat

  We have a new Texas business listed in the National Furniture Repair Directory™ in the Seatweaving section. Welcome to the Big G Furniture Repair & Chair Caning in Tyler, Texas it’s where you get

Chair Caning Repair in Tyler, Texas Read More »

John W Jungroth 9-2009

John “Jack” W. Jungroth 1929-2011 Today June 7, 2012, is the one year anniversary of my father, John “Jack” Jungroth’s passing. It’s been a very difficult time for me and yet, seems like it was

Remembering my father, Jack Jungroth Read More »

Precious Hidden Cargo Antler Peters

  My willow-antler basket, “Precious Hidden Cargo,” was just accepted into the 8th Annual Juried Exhibition 2012 at the Edge Center Gallery in Bigfork, Minnesota for the show during July of this year. Opening Reception

Willow-Antler Basket in Juried Exhibit Read More »

  FRIDAY FEATURE — Today’s feature is a wonderful “little” blog that highlights wicker furniture and basketry of all types and a whole lot more! Casey’s Minis blog is about the daily adventures of Tessie

Friday Feature–Casey’s Minis Read More »


WEDNESDAY WICKER WISDOM I bet that title above for this blog post really took you by surprise, didn’t it? Well, yes willow coffins are being woven over “across the pond” in England and have been

English Willow Coffin Making Read More »

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